Saturday 17 March 2012

Messy is Nice Lesson for Primary Students

A recent book that I used for a Shared Reading lesson is Messy is Nice which can be seen here:  . It can be purchased at Scholastic and comes with a teaching guide card which includes great lessons that can be stretched over time or done as mini-lessons.
I also like this book because my students were able to see the effects of what they do on others. The story is based on a little girl who loves mess and her mom, whom is tired of asking her to clean it up lets her do what she wants and then problems begin. The little girl learns how what she does has effects on others. When my students made this connection they were able to make text to self connections of what they do and how it has effects on those in their lives.
The kids loved the book and the lessons went great!

Today it Begins.

I never thought I would be doing this! By this I mean blogging! It seems so foreign.
As a parent, educator and avid reader of all literature I though I would take a minute here and there to share some of what I have found useful or informative.
Hopefully one person will find one thing useful and then this has been worth it! :)